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How to filter XML data based on an attribute using XQuery

Given the below XML structure, I need to filter out all the question nodes whose <questionSubType/> value is equal to ABC, and whose <option subType=""/> attribute is equal to 001:

    <text>Some text</text>
      <option subType="001">
      <option subType="001">
      <option subType="002">
    <text>Some more text</text>
      <option subType="001">
      <option subType="001">
      <option subType="002">
      <option subType="002">
    <text>Some last text</text>
      <option subType="001">
      <option subType="002">

I have attempted the following, but this only filters the XML based on the <questionSubType/> value as I am unsure how to proceed with querying the <option/> nodes:

            @subType varchar(5) = '001'
          , @questionSubType varchar(5) = 'ABC'
        SET @XmlOutput = (
                1 as Tag 
              , null as Parent
              , CONVERT(nvarchar(max), F.N.query('./*')) as [question!1!!XML]
            FROM [MyTable] T
                CROSS APPLY T.[Configuration].nodes('//question') F(N)
                F.N.value('(//questionSubType/text())[1]', 'varchar(100)') = @questionSubType
            FOR XML EXPLICIT, ROOT('questions')

        SELECT @XmlOutput as [Configuration]

So at the end, my output should look like this:

    <text>Some text</text>
      <option subType="001">
      <option subType="001">
    <text>Some last text</text>
      <option subType="001">

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Here is XQuery to your rescue:

    DECLARE @xml XML=
        <text>Some text</text>
          <option subType="001">
          <option subType="001">
          <option subType="002">
        <text>Some more text</text>
          <option subType="001">
          <option subType="001">
          <option subType="002">
          <option subType="002">
        <text>Some last text</text>
          <option subType="001">
          <option subType="002">

    --declare your variables

        DECLARE @subType varchar(5) = '001'
               ,@questionSubType varchar(5) = 'ABC';

    --The XQuery will run through your XML and add all questions with the given type, then all there internal nodes except <options>. This last node is added again with a filter predicate:

     SELECT @xml.query
        for $q in /questions/question[(questionSubType/text())[1]=sql:variable("@questionSubType")]