If I want to pass returned value from the first stream to second I use switchMap
What should I use, if I want to use param from the first stream in second, but I don't want to do 2 subscribe?
this.firstStream$.subscribe(first => {
this.secondStream$.subscribe(second => {
// here I want to use first and second.
There's quite a few different ways to do it, depending what you are trying to accomplish. For example, there is ForkJoin:
import { of, forkJoin} from 'rxjs';
const firstObservable = of('David');
const secondObservable = of('Acosta');
forkJoin(firstObservable, secondObservable).subscribe(values => {
const firstValue = values[0];
const secondValue= values[1];
This waits for both to finish before emitting values. There are other operators you could use if you want one observable to emit first, such as switchMap, concat, etc.