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How to run nuxt under pm2?

I have 2 nuxt projects that need to be run on the server. Whenever I run the app locally it seems to be working with:npm run dev, but on the server this needs to be ran under a subprocess, so I use pm2 for that. But whenever I start running the same npm script with pm2 the process gets errored.

The command used for this is: sudo pm2 start npm --name "dev" -- dev, even when I run the apps separately it gets errored. sudo pm2 start npm --name "app1" -- app1:dev and sudo pm2 start npm --name "app2" -- app2:dev


    "scripts": {
        "app1:dev": "nuxt --config-file src/app1/nuxt.config.js -p=3000",
        "app2:dev": "nuxt --config-file src/app2/nuxt.config.js -p=4000",
        "dev": "concurrently \"npm run app1:dev\" \"npm run app2:dev\"",
    "dependencies": {
    "devDependencies": {
        "concurrently": "^3.6.0",
        "cross-env": "^5.2.0"

pm2 logs

/home/ubuntu/.pm2/pm2.log :
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:05:55.046Z] PM2 log: ===============================================================================
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:07:32.825Z] PM2 log: App [app1] with id [0] and pid [11135], exited with code [1] via signal [SIGINT]
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:07:32.827Z] PM2 log: Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:app1 id:0
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:07:32.828Z] PM2 log: App name:app1 id:0 online
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:07:33.105Z] PM2 log: App [app1] with id [0] and pid [11145], exited with code [1] via signal [SIGINT]
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:07:33.106Z] PM2 log: Starting execution sequence in -fork mode- for app name:app1 id:0
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:07:33.108Z] PM2 log: App name:app1 id:0 online
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:07:33.383Z] PM2 log: App [app1] with id [0] and pid [11155], exited with code [1] via signal [SIGINT]
PM2        | [2018-08-16T10:07:33.383Z] PM2 log: Script /usr/local/bin/npm had too many unstable restarts (16). Stopped. "errored"

/home/ubuntu/.pm2/logs/app1-error.log :
/home/ubuntu/.pm2/logs/app1-out.log :
0|app1   | Specify configs in the ini-formatted file:
0|app1   |     /home/ubuntu/.npmrc
0|app1   | or on the command line via: npm <command> --key value
0|app1   | Config info can be viewed via: npm help config
0|app1   |
0|app1   | npm@5.6.0 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
0|app1   |
0|app1   | Usage: npm <command>
0|app1   |
0|app1   | where <command> is one of:
0|app1   |     access, adduser, bin, bugs, c, cache, completion, config,
0|app1   |     ddp, dedupe, deprecate, dist-tag, docs, doctor, edit,
0|app1   |     explore, get, help, help-search, i, init, install,
0|app1   |     install-test, it, link, list, ln, login, logout, ls,
0|app1   |     outdated, owner, pack, ping, prefix, profile, prune,
0|app1   |     publish, rb, rebuild, repo, restart, root, run, run-script,
0|app1   |     s, se, search, set, shrinkwrap, star, stars, start, stop, t,
0|app1   |     team, test, token, tst, un, uninstall, unpublish, unstar,
0|app1   |     up, update, v, version, view, whoami
0|app1   |
0|app1   | npm <command> -h     quick help on <command>
0|app1   | npm -l           display full usage info
0|app1   | npm help <term>  search for help on <term>
0|app1   | npm help npm     involved overview
0|app1   |

What does all of this mean, doesn't pm2 recognize the npm command? Is there a parameter I'm missing here? ...

extra info:
server: Ubuntu 16.04
npm version: 5.6.0
nuxt version: 1.4.2
pm2 version: 3.0.3
node version: 8.11.1


  • For multiple nuxt instances to work with pm2 you need to point to the nuxt-start script in ./node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt-start or .output/server/index.mjs (depending on the Nuxt version).

    This guide explains it well. To summarize: You need an ecosystem configuration for your apps (ecosystem.config.js) where you set all the given parameters for your app. Here's a list with all the available parameters.

    Your's should look like this:

    module.exports = {
      apps: [
          name: 'nuxt-v2-app',
          port: 3000,
          script: './node_modules/nuxt/bin/nuxt-start',
          cwd: '/home/user/your-nuxt-project/nuxt-v2-app',
          env: {
            NODE_ENV: 'development'
          env_production: {
            NODE_ENV: 'production'
          name: 'nuxt-v3-app',
          port: 4000,
          script: '.output/server/index.mjs',
          cwd: '/home/user/your-nuxt-project/nuxt-v3-app',
          env: {
            NODE_ENV: 'development'
          env_production: {
            NODE_ENV: 'production'

    Then simply cd to your project dir and run sudo pm2 start. It will automatically find the config file and run both apps simultaneously.