I'm in a fix with Alteryx. I'm trying to select the top N rows where N=a cell value for that partition. The business question is:
"We need to know, out of our orders (TicketIDs), those that have least 1 combination of Type of discount item AND drink AND side."
The SQL query would join this table onto itself and partition to get the TopNtoIncludeInItems
for that row, however, I just can't seem to find a way to do this in Alteryx. I've tried the community, but the question has gone ananswered.
In other words, select thusly:
for each (TicketID)
for each(Type)
select top(TopNtoIncludeInItems for this.TicketID)
or indeed select just the green records
Here's my solution:
(or whatever) as Int32, 0 or empty for rows that don't exists, Group By TicketID and Type, with the Expression [Row-1:ComboCount]+1
... this counts up each group; we'll want the first topN of each group, ensuring the group actuall has that many, and not going beyond TopN.[ComboCount] <= [TopN]
... which excludes unnecessary rows beyond TopN[Max_ComboCount] = [TopN]
... this excludes the groups where any ItemType falls short of TopNAnd that's it. Pictorally, this is what my workflow looks like, along with data results based on data similar to that in your screenshot: