I'm working on an Angular 5 forms module using reactive forms approach. In that form for one of my form controls, I need some back-end validation to be done, Can someone help to implement composeAsync function handle back-end validations?
Here is how I implemented (for username check)
First I have added a report validation function for remort validation
this.regForm = this.fb.group({
userName: ['', Validators.required,
this.validateUserIDNotTaken.bind(this) ],
password: [ '', [Validators.required]]
validateUserIDNotTaken(control: AbstractControl) {
return this.userService.validateUserIDNotTaken(control.value).map(res => {
return res ? null : { unTaken: true };
in user service
export class validateUserIDNotTaken{
static createValidator(userService: UserService) {
return (control: AbstractControl) => {
return userService.validateUserIDNotTaken(control.value).map(res => {
return res ? null : { unTaken: true };
and added this to the template
<div *ngIf="regForm.get('userName').errors && regForm .get('userName').errors.unTaken">
This userName is already taken!