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Effect "AuthEffects.register$" dispatched an invalid action

i've added new effect for register action and got this error: Effect "AuthEffects.register$" dispatched an invalid action

So, this is my effect:

register$ = this.actions$.pipe(
    map(action => action.payload),
    exhaustMap((register: RegisterModel) =>
          tap(status => new RegisterSuccess(status)),
          catchError(error => of(new RegisterFailure(error)))

this is RegisterSuccess action:

export class RegisterSuccess implements Action {
  readonly type = AuthActionTypes.RegisterSuccess;

  constructor(public payload: boolean) {}

it returns an boolean which says if register was successfully. This is reducer case:

case AuthActionTypes.RegisterSuccess: {
        return {
            error: null,
            success: action.payload

Where is the problem? Effect looks like to be ok, action also, is the problem in my reducer? Thanks!


  • Your tap should be a map in order to return an action.

    register$ = this.actions$.pipe(
        map(action => action.payload),
        exhaustMap((register: RegisterModel) =>
              map(status => new RegisterSuccess(status)),
              catchError(error => of(new RegisterFailure(error)))