I am trying to check a MS Powerpoint is contain a given word or not by Aspose, but it does not work.
This is my class which is responsible to check the ppt file:
public class FindContentOfPpt
private static bool IsParagraphContain(IParagraph paragraph, string content)
return paragraph.Portions.Any(port => port.Text.Contains(content));
private static bool IsTextBoxContain(ITextFrame textBox, string content)
return textBox.Paragraphs.Any(para => IsParagraphContain(para, content));
private static bool IsSlideContain(ISlide slide, string content)
var allTextBoxes = SlideUtil.GetAllTextBoxes(slide);
return allTextBoxes.Any(textBox => IsTextBoxContain(textBox, content));
public bool IsContain(string filePath, string content)
var pres = new Presentation(filePath);
return pres.Slides.Any(slide => IsSlideContain(slide, content));
And I call it to check a given word:
var isContain = new FindContentOfPpt().IsContain("Find and Replace.pptx", "Presentation");
The isContain is always false although my ppt file contain a text box with content:"This is Presentation". I already debugged, and the class can open the ppt file, but the textbox value is not correct.
Maybe it because of 'truncated due to evaluation version limitation.". When you don't have license, it will limited to almost features of Aspose. You can request a trial version for full testing.