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Azure Service Bus message time to live setting

I would like to ask what is the best practice for Azure Service Bus message TTL (time to live) option -

We use Azure Service Bus to import data from one system to another, amount of records is a couple of millions.

Briefly saying, this option tells ASB how much time a message can stay in a queue or a topic before it moved to dead letter queue(if it is configured) -

Even so, I cannot find how TTL value impacts on ASB throughput and performance. What is difference between 5 minutes, 1 hour and 20 hours set for TTL in terms of ASB queue/topic performance?

Thank you in advance


  • Time to live property is used to set the expiration time window for messages in Service Bus.

    Based the time configured for TTL, the messages either moved to dead-letter or lost from the Queue. The usage of this property may differ based on the use cases.

    For example, if I am sure that my system will not go down and will pick the messages as soon as it is en-queued, I will configure the TTL to very minimal time window say 1 minute (helps to verify the system is working fine by monitoring the dead-letter length of the Queue). If my system is not reliable or the system runs only once a day to process the messages, then I should have a higher value for this property, so that the messages will be available in the Queue for a longer time, letting the system to process.

    Coming to the performance, there will not be much lack in the performance in the Queue due to the higher values of TTL.