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Azure App service with or without docker

I have some experience in using azure app services without docker. I did worked on k8 with docker. Now I am seeing an option to deploy containers in azure app services. As per my understanding app services internally use container and orchestration engine. Now someone can explain why this new docker option in azure app services? How it is going to help? When to use this option? Why I should bundle it as docker(extra effort eventhough it trivial)?


  • Azure App Service on Linux (Web App with built-in images)

    The built-in image option running on Linux is an extension of a current Azure App Service offering, catering to developers who want to use FTP or GIT, deploy .NET Core, Node, PHP or Ruby applications to Azure App Service running on Linux

    All of the built-in Docker images are open sourced on GitHub and available on DockerHub

    Now someone can explain why this new docker option in the azure app services?

    Web App for Containers is catered more towards developers who want to have more control over, not just the code, but also the different packages, runtime framework, tooling etc. that are installed on their containers.

    Customers of this offering prefer to package their code and dependencies into containers using various CI/CD systems like Jenkins, Maven, Travis CI or VSTS, alongside setting up continuous deployment webhooks with App Service.

    This way you can easily deploy and run containerized applications that scale with your business.

    How it is going to help?

    • This will make sure that the environment that you use locally, is exactly the same as the one in the cloud.
    • Just pull container images from Docker Hub or a private Azure Container Registry and Web App for Containers will deploy the containerized app with your preferred dependencies to production in seconds.
    • Automate and simplify your container image deployments through continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) capabilities with Docker Hub, Azure Container Registry, and Visual Studio Team Services
    • Automatically scale vertically and horizontally based on application needs. Granular scaling rules are available to handle peaks in workload automatically while minimizing costs during off-peak times

    When to use this option?

    • If you are so passionate/familiar with Docker/container then you can use the Azure App service with the container.
    • If you are planning to host all your container in ACS(Azure Container Service)/GitHub Repository then this service might be useful

    You can refer to this blog for more details