I need to get texts and save them to Neo4j. After that, I separate each word of that text and create a [:NEXT] relationship between them indicating the word that comes after another one and a [:CONTAINS] relationship indicating that the text contains that word. Finally I try to get the word in the text that has more relations [:NEXT] but not in the whole database. Only in the given text.
Unfortunatelly I just get the sum of the whole database.
The query is:
query = '''
WITH split("%s"," ") as words
MERGE (p:Post {id: '%s', text: '%s'})
WITH p, words
UNWIND range(0,size(words)-2) as idx
MERGE (w1:Word {name:words[idx]})
MERGE (w2:Word {name:words[idx+1]})
MERGE (w1)-[:NEXT]->(w2)
MERGE (p)-[:CONTAINS]->(w2)
MERGE (p)-[:CONTAINS]->(w1)
MATCH (p)-[c:CONTAINS]->(w:Word)
MATCH ()-[n1:NEXT]->(:Word {name: w.name})<-[:CONTAINS]-(p)
MATCH (p)-[:CONTAINS]-(:Word {name: w.name})-[n2:NEXT]->()
WITH COUNT(n1) + COUNT(n2)AS score, w.name AS word, p.text AS post, p.id AS _id
RETURN post, word, score, _id;
''' %(text, id, text)
I just can't find out the problem here.
My solution is:
query = '''
WITH split("%s"," ") AS words
MERGE (p:Post {id: "%s", text:"%s"})
WITH p, words
UNWIND range(0,size(words)-2) as idx
MERGE (w1:Word {name:words[idx]})
MERGE (w2:Word {name:words[idx+1]})
MERGE (w1)-[n:NEXT]->(w2)
ON MATCH SET n.count = n.count + 1
ON CREATE SET n.count = 1
MERGE (p)-[:CONTAINS]->(w2)
MERGE (p)-[:CONTAINS]->(w1)
''' %(text, id, text)