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WPEWebKit does not starts on Ubuntu 16.04

In general I done all steps from WPEWebkit readme to launch WPE on Ubuntu 16.04.

Prerequisites and dependencies (Tools/Scripts/update-webkitwpe-libs) installed without errors. Release build compiled (Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --wpe) without errors.

In first terminal I executed: weston --socket=wpe. Weston Window shown. In second terminal: WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wpe Tools/Scripts/run-minibrowser --wpe. Terminal displays only: "Starting MiniBrowser." and hangs. Nothing appeared on Weston Window.

In htop command I see MiniBrowser, WPENetworkProcess and WPEWebProcess but each of them has in VIRT column very big values: about 97GB.

enter image description here

I also tried to use this script from, with the same result.


  • After upgrading to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, WPEWebKit works correctly on XOrg (with weston --socket=wpe) and Wayland.