I've got a console program written in C# which runs under user foo. The program creates a file. In some situations a web application running under the IUSR needs to be able to delete the files created by the console app.
I'd like to grant DELETE (or anything equivalent) to IUSR when the file is created. How can I do that in C# ?
I've found FileIOPermission and I'm not sure what that's for but as you can't specify a particular user I'm pretty sure that's now what I need.
Anyone got a good pointer on how to do this ?
[By the way I realise that in some circs granting the IUSR DELETE rights on any files would be a reasonably dodgy thing to do but in this case the nature of the files involved means I'm happy to grant these rights to IUSR]
Use the Windows Explorer -> select the directory where the file resides -> right-click -> Properties -> Security tab -> give the "Modify" right to the IUSR_xxx user account.
I presume that you have physical access to the computer that runs both the console app and the web app.
Edited: for programmatic setting of ntfs permissions you need to fiddle around with the System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity class and the File.SetAccessControl method.
Hope it helps.