(The title may be misleading. I always though the hard part is finding the proper title :D)
Well, sentences are just (long) strings. I want to display these sentences but in a reversed way. Example: "StackOverflow is a community of awesome programmers"
would become "programmers awesome of community a is StackOverflow"
So my idea is to have a delimiter, here a blank space. Whenever texts are entered and the space bar pressed, save that word in a list, an ArrayList and then just display them in inverted order in a textView.
So far i can only output texts but without blank spaces (programmersawesomeofcommunityaisStackOverflow
) and only using a button. I use the below code to do that:
public void onClick(View v) {
String[] sentence = input.getText().toString().split(" "); //This split() method is the culprit!
ArrayList<String> wordArray = new ArrayList<>();
for (String word : sentence) {
StringBuilder invertedSentence = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = wordArray.size(); i > 0; i--) {
invertedSentence.append(wordArray.get(i - 1));
How can I have a sentence be saved (automatically) in a list as split words when the system detect a white space? And add blank spaces in the output sentences?
Thanks for your time.
Many of the comments have good suggestions, but here is one approach you could use:
String[] sentence = new String("StackOverflow is a community of awesome programmers").split(" ");
ArrayList<String> wordArray = new ArrayList<>();
for (String word : sentence) {
wordArray.add(0, word);
String backwards = String.join(" ", wordArray);
programmers awesome of community a is StackOverflow