Search code examples

Want to display a maximum of 5 thumbnails

Want to show max 5 images in a thumbnails. But It print all images it have.

@foreach (var orderline in order.OrderLines.DistinctBy(ol => ol.imageURL))
    <img height="40" src="@orderline.imageURL" alt="@(orderline.Listing.Title.Length > 15 ? orderline.Listing.Title.Substring(0, 15) : orderline.Listing.Title)" />


  • You are already using some Linq in your code, so just use a little more. The Take() method in Linq will do exactly what you want:

    @foreach (var orderline in order.OrderLines.DistinctBy(ol => ol.imageURL).Take(5))
        <img height="40" src="@orderline.imageURL" alt="@(orderline.Listing.Title.Length > 15 ? orderline.Listing.Title.Substring(0, 15) : orderline.Listing.Title)" />

    The Take(5) I added at the end means you will only iterate through a maximum of 5 items