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Regex for finding float numbers in a comma separated string

I am have a csv file that has comma separated line something like this:


I want to find all floating point numbers only.


  • "asc1.0$*xyz" - string that has decimal but prefix/suffix with non digits should be ignored
  • "5.2E-5" - Exponential form should be treated as good result
  • Should work for first Item that starts without a comma and last item that ends without a comma.

This expression correctly captures the float part but doesn't work with above scenarios correctly:


Thanks in advance!

Complete Code in python (based on the feedback below):

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO

data = {"a": 1.0, "b": "xyz.2.0", "c": "lol"}

buffer = StringIO()

df = pd.DataFrame([data])
df.to_csv(buffer, index=False)
input_ = buffer.getvalue()

import re

expression = "(?<=,|^)[+-]?\d+\.?\d*(?:E[+-]?\d+)?(?=,|$)"

def transform_float(m):
    value =
    return value

result = re.sub(expression, transform_float, input_)


  • You may use this regex with look arounds:


    RegEx Demo

    RegEx Description:

    • (?:(?<=,)|(?<=^)): Lookbehind to assert that we have a comma or line start at previous position
    • [+-]?\d+\.?\d*(?:E[+-]?\d+)?: Match an integer or floating point number with optional E part
    • (?=,|$): Lookahead to assert that we have a comma or line end ahead