I am using OpenOffice uno api to iterate through all text in writer document. To iterate over text tables currently I am using XTextTable interface getCellNames() method. How I could detect merged and split cells. I want to export table to html, so I should calculate colspan and rowspan.
I would appreciate any suggestions... I am out of ideas :(
Finally I have the answer (actually colspan part of it). This code is ugly I know, but one day I'll refactor it ;)
public class Cell
private List<string> _text = new List<string>();
public List<string> Text
get { return _text; }
set { _text = value; }
public int ColSpan { get; set; }
public int RowSpan { get; set; }
public Cell(int colSpan, int rowSpan, List<string> text)
ColSpan = colSpan;
RowSpan = rowSpan;
_text = text;
public Cell(int colSpan, int rowSpan)
ColSpan = colSpan;
RowSpan = rowSpan;
and here it is table parse method
public static List<List<Cell>> ParseTable(XTextTable table)
XTableRows rows = table.getRows() as XTableRows;
int rowCount = rows.getCount();
int sum = GetTableColumnRelativeSum(table);
// Temprorary store for column count of each row
int[] colCounts = new int[rowCount];
List<List<int>> matrix = new List<List<int>>(rowCount);
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
matrix.Add(new List<int>());
// Get column count for each row
int maxColCount = 0;
for (int rowNo = 0; rowNo < rowCount; rowNo++)
TableColumnSeparator[] sep = GetTableRowSeperators(rows, rowNo);
colCounts[rowNo] = sep.Length + 1;
if (maxColCount < colCounts[rowNo])
maxColCount = colCounts[rowNo];
for (int j = 0; j < sep.Length; j++)
int[] curIndex = new int[rowCount];
List<List<Cell>> results = new List<List<Cell>>(rowCount);
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
results.Add(new List<Cell>());
int curMinSep = matrix[0][0];
curMinSep = matrix[0][curIndex[0]];
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
if (curMinSep > matrix[i][curIndex[i]]) curMinSep = matrix[i][curIndex[i]];
for (int rowNo = 0; rowNo < rowCount; rowNo++)
int col = curIndex[rowNo];
int lastIdx = results[rowNo].Count - 1;
if (curMinSep == matrix[rowNo][col])
if (colCounts[rowNo] > col + 1) curIndex[rowNo] = col + 1;
if (results[rowNo].Count > 0 &&
results[rowNo][lastIdx].Text.Count < 1 &&
results[rowNo][lastIdx].ColSpan > 0)
results[rowNo][lastIdx].Text = GetCellText(table, rowNo, col);
results[rowNo].Add(new Cell(0, 0, GetCellText(table, rowNo, col)));
if (results[rowNo].Count > 0 &&
results[rowNo][lastIdx].Text.Count < 1)
results[rowNo].Add(new Cell(1, 0));
} while (curMinSep < sum);
return results;
public static short GetTableColumnRelativeSum(XTextTable rows)
XPropertySet xPropertySet = rows as XPropertySet;
short sum = (short)xPropertySet.getPropertyValue("TableColumnRelativeSum").Value;
return sum;
public static TableColumnSeparator[] GetTableRowSeperators(XTableRows rows, int rowNo)
XPropertySet rowProperties = rows.getByIndex(rowNo).Value as XPropertySet;
TableColumnSeparator[] sep = null;
sep = rowProperties.getPropertyValue("TableColumnSeparators").Value as TableColumnSeparator[];
return sep;