I am able to print bold following instructions.
What I am having trouble with, is figuring out how to disable the bold so that the next item printed in the list does not carry the bold type. I do not want to use '|N' as this sets all formats back to Normal including alignment. How do I disable the bold after I am completed. I want the ability to do the following:
What I am looking for
Text1 Text2 Text3
What I've Tried
slipHeader &= vbCrLf & "1: " & ESC.Value & "|bC" & "test" & ESC.Value & "|N" & ESC.Value & "|bC" & " test2" & ESC.Value & "|N"
slipHeader &= vbCrLf & "2: " & ESC.Value & "|bC" & ESC.Value & "|cA" & "test" & ESC.Value & "|N" & ESC.Value & "|cA" & ESC.Value & "|bC" & " test2" & ESC.Value & "|N"
The example above is written in VB. My ultimate code is in C#.
Any Answer would suffice as I will translate to C#.
If the compliant version of the printer OPOS control you are using is 1.10 or later, you may be able to disable only the bold attribute with the escape sequence "ESC |! bC". Please refer to the explanation on the printer escape sequence of OPOS document you are using.
For relevant OPOS standard specifications, refer to page 1044 of the UnifiedPOS 1.14.1 document (page description in the document is "30-28").