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Can I create a form for a nested resource without the parent record until I save?

I have two models Player and MicroReport. MicroReport is a nested resource of Player. I'm trying to create a separate form to allow users to create a MicroReport without having to first navigate to a Player's page and then create the report. Is this possible?

I'm was going to try and use the form below, where they could select a player during the creation of the form - but to my knowledge I'd need to specify a player record here (which it currently doesn't exist).

<%= simple_form_for [@micro_report.player, @micro_report] do |form| %>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-12">
      <%= form.input :author_id, as: :hidden, input_html: { value: } %>
      <%= form.input :player, input_html: { class: "player-search-box-for-micro-report" }, 
           data: { autocomplete_source: auto_complete_searches_path } %>
      <%= form.input :grade, collection: Grade.joins(:scale)
           .where(scales: { name: "Skill Scale" } ) %>
      <%= form.input :summary, label: "Summary" %>

  <div class="form-actions">
    <%= form.button :submit %>
<% end %>

class Player < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :micro_reports

class MicroReport < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :author
  belongs_to :player
  belongs_to :grade


resources :players do
 scope module: :players do
   resources :micro_reports  


  • In that case you need to add optional: true to the belongs_to :player.

    belongs_to :player, optional: true

    From the Documentation

    required is set to true by default and is deprecated. If you don't want to have association presence validated, use optional: true.

    With this setup in place, you can create MicroReport records without adding Player records on creation.