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Add an informative custom message in Woocommerce Checkout page

I have a WP/Woocommerce based website, and I would like to inform my clients that, whenever they buy something in my shop, the 3% of their order is devolved for charity associations.

I would like to display the exact amount calculated on the total, for example: Total: 150 €

5 € will be devolved etc.

How can I manage it?


  • You could display it as a Woocommerce "success" notice in checkout page, this way:

    add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'print_donation_notice', 10 );
    function print_donation_notice() {
        wc_print_notice( sprintf(
            __("%s 3%% of this order will be devolved for charity associations, so an amount of %s.", "woocommerce"),
            '<strong>' . __("Information:", "woocommerce") . '</strong>',
            strip_tags( wc_price( WC()->cart->get_subtotal() * 0.03 ) )
        ), 'success' );

    Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.

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