I have a 4x4 table. All the values in the table are unique.
1 a b c d
2 e f g h
3 i j k l
4 m n o p
How do i find the address
of a particular value? I've tried =CELL("address",MATCH(A1,A1:D4,0))
to find a
but it returns an error value because =MATCH(A1,A1:D4,0)
is an error value.
It seems =match
only works on a single row/column.
Any solutions to this?
Here's another way to do it (without an array formula, i.e. without hitting cntrl-enter), based on this solution to locate a value in a 2D array.
I won't repeat the excellent explanation of how it works it, in order to properly credit the author on his website.
EDIT: Based on @Chronocidal's excellent suggestions, here is the new and improved version for reference: