Related to Lenses and TypeFamilies and How to derive instances for records with type-families and How to make lenses for records with type-families
Every time I've tried using type-families enthusiastically to reduce some boilerplate code, I've programmed myself into a corner. Here's the latest one -- how do I define a lens for RecordPoly f
in the code snippet given below?
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, DeriveGeneric, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances, DataKinds #-}
module Try where
import Control.Lens
data PGInt
data PGText
data Selector = Haskell | DB
type family DBField (f :: Selector) hask db where
DBField 'Haskell hask _ = hask
DBField 'DB _ db = db
data RecordPoly f = RecordPoly
{ recFieldA :: !(DBField f Int PGInt)
, recFieldB :: !(DBField f String PGText)
class HasFieldA s a | s -> a where fieldA :: Lens' s a
instance HasFieldA (RecordPoly 'Haskell) Int where
fieldA fctor (RecordPoly fa fb) = fmap (\x -> RecordPoly x fb) (fctor fa)
It's failing with the following error:
• Illegal instance declaration for ‘HasFieldA (RecordPoly f) a’
The liberal coverage condition fails in class ‘HasFieldA’
for functional dependency: ‘s -> a’
Reason: lhs type ‘RecordPoly f’ does not determine rhs type ‘a’
Un-determined variable: a
• In the instance declaration for ‘HasFieldA (RecordPoly f) a’
The only thing that seems to work is the following:
instance HasFieldA (RecordPoly 'Haskell) Int where
fieldA fctor (RecordPoly fa fb) = fmap (\x -> RecordPoly x fb) (fctor fa)
Is this the only way to make it work (thus resulting in a new kind of boilerplate explosion)? How come a similarly polymorphic version of this code works, but not when it is with type-families:
data RecordPoly fa fb = RecordPoly
{ recFieldA :: fa
, recFieldB :: fb
class HasFieldA s a | s -> a where fieldA :: Lens' s a
instance HasFieldA (RecordPoly fa fb) fa where
fieldA fctor (RecordPoly fa fb) = fmap (\x -> RecordPoly x fb) (fctor fa)
Finally figured it out...
instance (fa ~ DBField f Int PGInt) => HasFieldA (RecordPoly f) fa where
fieldA fctor (RecordPoly fa fb) = fmap (\x -> RecordPoly x fb) (fctor fa)