I'm using XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) in XMLSpy with Apache FOP.
When I flow content from a first page having a simple-page-master with a wide region-body onto a second (rest) page having a narrow region-body, the content on the second page has the same width as the content on the first page, overflowing the body. This also happens if I set the column-count on the second page to be greater than the column-count on the first page.
How do I force the engine to recognize that the available horizontal space has been decreased, and adjust the body (or column) width accordingly?
An example of the problem can be seen here (use with any XML document that contains sufficient text content to flow from page 1 to page 2):
I submitted this to Apache using Bugzilla: https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=50794
Chris Bowditch posted this response there:
the problem you describe is known as Changing IPD problem. That is a known issue in 0.95. For v1.0 we developed a fix for it that works in most cases. There are some limitations related to lists and tables, but for regular text, upgrading to FOP v1.0 should resolve your problems.