I use symfony 1.4.8 , and sfBBCodeParserPlugin It works , but I have problem with partial.
My IndexSuccess
include_partial('post/list', array('voice_posts' => $voice_posts)) ?>
In _list.php
echo $bb_parser->getRawValue()->qparse($voice_post->getDescription());
And I have error
Notice: Undefined variable: bb_parser in...
according to the readme I added in action.class
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->bb_parser = new sfBBCodeParser();
In ShowSuccess I do not use partial and all work fine. ShowSuccess.php
echo $bb_parser->getRawValue()->qparse($voice_post->getDescription())
public function executeShow(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->bb_parser = new sfBBCodeParser();
p.s Sorry for my bad English
You forget you send to the partial the bb_parser:
include_partial('post/list', array('voice_posts' => $voice_posts, 'bb_parser' => $bb_parser))
Remember that the variables used in partials (unless they're global) must be sent when you're defining it.