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I'm looking for an ORM for my C# project. I tried but i can't quite understand it

I added a new ADO.NET ORM object inside my project based on an already existing database. I was able to create a new object but I don't quite understand how to insert my new object in the database and get the ID generated from it.

From the example shown in the link, I just don't understand what is their TestDBEntities Class

I am also opened to any ORM suggestion based off experience! Thanks!

enter image description here

        public static void Insert_Demande_Willy(string ModelPath)
        using (TestDBEntities ctx = new TestDBEntities())
            Model.CreateDessin newDemande = new CreateDessin()
                DateProduite = DateTime.Now,
                GenerateBom = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.GenerateBom.ToString(),
                MailAdress = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.Email,
                NotifyRBRE = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.Wilma_RBRE.ToString(),
                NotifyRBTK = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.Wilma_RBTK.ToString(),
                NotifyTLS = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.Wilma_TLS.ToString(),
                NotifyTQ = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.Wilma_TQ.ToString(),
                PathDessin = ModelPath,
                SendingComputer = Environment.MachineName,
                UserName = Environment.UserName




    /// <summary>
    /// Importer Statuts enumeration
    /// Setter priorité
    /// NoECO juste quand check? 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ID"></param>
    private static void Insert_Demande_Willy_DTL(int ID)
        Model.CreateDessinDTL newDemandeDTL = new CreateDessinDTL()
            ConfigName = "",
            CreatePDF = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.GeneratePDF.ToString(),
            C_ID = ID,
            NoECO = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.EcoName,
            Priority = 2,
            Statut = "Willy2",


Source 1 Source 2


  • I somehow found a way to make this thing work. Unfortunately, some members of some objects won't show with Intellisence.

        /// <summary>
        /// Setter priorité
        /// NoECO juste quand check? 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ID"></param>
        private static void Insert_Demande_Willy_DTL(int ID)
                DemoInfo_IndusEntities context = new DemoInfo_IndusEntities();
                context.CreateDessinDTL.Add(new CreateDessinDTL_Demo()
                    ConfigName = "",
                    C_ID = ID,
                    NoECO = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.EcoName,
                    Priority = 2,
                    Statut = AppConfig.Controller.Statuts.Willy.Willy2,
                    TestedBy = Environment.UserName
                    //CreatePDF = Willy.Properties.Settings.Default.GeneratePDF.ToString(),