I am trying to create a Bootstrap 4 button with ngx-bootstrap and Angular. However only hovering on the icon of the disabled button shows the tooltip. How do I make the hovering over anywhere on a disabled button to show the tooltip.
The code: Only hovering on the icon works:
<span tooltip="hello" [isDisabled]="false">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" disabled>
<i class="fa fa-book-open"></i> btn disabled
And here is a working example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngx-bootstrap-rmnmf1
One potential solution is to create tooltip inside button. It will start showing the tooltip for anything inside <button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" disabled>
<span tooltip="hello" [isDisabled]="false">
<i class="fa fa-book-open"></i> btn disabled