// the callback on the next line returns a promise, which the JavaScript engine will follow, so you don't need to nest the next `then`
.then((dataService) => dataService.getDocuments('MyCollection2'))
.then((docs) => { ...
This is how we access data storage in VSTS extension.
is a name of the storage that we are using.
However, this is not unique to the project. When I try to access the hub extension from another project within the same organization, I can still see the data.
I tried to dynamically name the collection based on the project that I access, but there is no clear way to get the project name on the extension side.
How can I make the data storage unique to the project within the same organization??
I actually fixed this by using a Promise.
// Sets unique data storage name for each project
function setDBName() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
let web = VSS.getWebContext();
console.log('res', res)
console.log('err', err)
This will return the web context whenever VSS is ready to get fetched.