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Can I patch Python's assert to get the output that py.test provides?

Pytest's output for failed asserts is much more informative and useful than the default in Python. I would like to leverage this when normally running my Python program, not just when executing tests. Is there a way to, from within my script, overwrite Python's assert behavior to use pytest to print the stacktrace instead while still running my program as python script/

Example program

def test_foo():
  foo = 12
  bar = 42
  assert foo == bar

if __name__ == '__main__':

$ python script/

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "script/", line 8, in <module>
  File "script/", line 4, in test_foo
    assert foo == bar

$ pytest script/

======================== test session starts ========================
platform linux -- Python 3.5.3, pytest-3.3.2, py-1.5.2, pluggy-0.6.0
rootdir: /usr/local/google/home/danijar, inifile:
collected 1 item                                                    

script/ F                                     [100%]

============================= FAILURES ==============================
_____________________________ test_foo ______________________________

    def test_foo():
      foo = 12
      bar = 42
>     assert foo == bar
E     assert 12 == 42

script/ AssertionError
===================== 1 failed in 0.02 seconds =====================

Desired result

$ python script/

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "script/", line 8, in <module>

    def test_foo():
      foo = 12
      bar = 42
>     assert foo == bar
E     assert 12 == 42

script/ AssertionError

Progress update

The closest I've got is this but it only works for asserts within that one function and spams the trace:

import ast
import inspect

from _pytest import assertion

def test_foo():
  foo = []
  foo = foo[-1]
  bar = 42
  assert foo == bar, 'message'

if __name__ == '__main__':
  tree = ast.parse(inspect.getsource(test_foo))
  code = compile(tree, '<name>', 'exec')
  ns = {}
  exec(code, ns)

$ python script/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "script/", line 21, in <module>
  File "<name>", line 6, in test_foo
AssertionError: message
assert 13 == 42


  • Disclaimer

    Although there is surely a way to reuse pytest code to print the traceback in the desired format, stuff you need to use is not part of public API, so the resulting solution will be too fragile, require invocation of non-related pytest code (for initialization purposes) and likely break on package updates. Best bet would be rewriting crucial parts, using pytest code as an example.


    Basically, the proof-of-concept code below does three things:

    1. Replace the default sys.excepthook with the custom one: this is necessary to alter the default traceback formatting. Example:

      import sys
      orig_hook = sys.excepthook
      def myhook(*args):
          print('hello world')
      if __name__ == '__main__':
          sys.excepthook = myhook
          raise ValueError()

      will output:

      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "", line 11, in <module>
          raise ValueError()
      hello world
    2. Instead of hello world, the formatted exception info will be printed. We use ExceptionInfo.getrepr() for that.

    3. To access the additional info in asserts, pytest rewrites the assert statements (you can get some rough info about how they look like after rewrite in this old article). To achieve that, pytest registers a custom import hook as specified in PEP 302. The hook is the most problematic part as it is tightly coupled to Config object, also I noticed some module imports to cause problems (I guess it doesn't fail with pytest only because the modules are already imported when the hook is registered; will try to write a test that reproduces the issue on a pytest run and create a new issue). I would thus suggest to write a custom import hook that invokes the AssertionRewriter. This AST tree walker class is the essential part in assertion rewriting, while the AssertionRewritingHook is not that important.



    import sys
    from pluggy import PluginManager
    import _pytest.assertion.rewrite
    from _pytest._code.code import ExceptionInfo
    from _pytest.config import Config, PytestPluginManager
    orig_excepthook = sys.excepthook
    def _custom_excepthook(type, value, tb):
        orig_excepthook(type, value, tb)  # this is the original traceback printed
        # preparations for creation of pytest's exception info
        tb = tb.tb_next  # Skip *this* frame
        sys.last_type = type
        sys.last_value = value
        sys.last_traceback = tb
        info = ExceptionInfo(tup=(type, value, tb, ))
        # some of these params are configurable via pytest.ini
        # different params combination generates different output
        # e.g. style can be one of long|short|no|native
        params = {'funcargs': True, 'abspath': False, 'showlocals': False,
                  'style': 'long', 'tbfilter': False, 'truncate_locals': True}
        print(info.getrepr(**params))  # this is the exception info formatted
        del type, value, tb  # get rid of these in this frame
    def _install_excepthook():
        sys.excepthook = _custom_excepthook
    def _install_pytest_assertion_rewrite():
        # create minimal config stub so AssertionRewritingHook is happy
        pluginmanager = PytestPluginManager()
        config = Config(pluginmanager)
        config._parser._inidict['python_files'] = ('', '', [''])
        config._inicache = {'python_files': None, 'python_functions': None}
        config.inicfg = {}
        # these modules _have_ to be imported, or AssertionRewritingHook will complain
        import py._builtin
        import py._path.local
        import py._io.saferepr
        # call hook registration
    # convenience function
    def install_hooks():

    After calling hooks.install_hooks(), will have modified traceback printing. Every module imported after install_hooks() call will have asserts rewritten on import.

    from hooks import install_hooks
    import pytest_assert
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    def test_foo():
        foo = 12
        bar = 42
        assert foo == bar

    Example output

    $ python
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 9, in <module>
      File "/Users/hoefling/projects/private/stackoverflow/so-51839452/", line 4, in test_foo
        assert foo == bar
    def test_foo():
            foo = 12
            bar = 42
    >       assert foo == bar
    E       AssertionError AssertionError


    I would go with writing an own version of AssertionRewritingHook, without the whole non-related pytest stuff. The AssertionRewriter however looks pretty much reusable; although it requires a Config instance, it is only used for warning printing and can be left to None.

    Once you have that, write your own function that formats the exception properly, replace sys.excepthook and you're done.