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Fluent Migrator waiting for user input in azure/kudu

I am trying to use fluent migrator for database deployments inside of azure/kudu. I am calling the Migrate.exe from the deployment command. When running in azure/kudu the migrations run successfully and then wait for user input. Obviously there is no user input and the deployment throws a timeout error. The exact error is:

Command 'starter.cmd deploy.cmd' was aborted due to no output nor CPU activity for 61 seconds.

When I run the same Migrate.exe locally it runs and then returns to the command prompt without waiting for user input.

Any ideas why inside of Azure/kudu a script would wait for user input and locally it wouldn't?


  • It turns out that I was calling the powershell script incorrectly.

    Previously the old (not working) deployment command got call like this: call :ExecuteCmd PowerShell -Version 2.0 ".\Deploy.ps1" And I changed it to: call :ExecuteCmd PowerShell ".\Deploy.ps1"

    I just removed the hard coded "-Version 2.0" and everything ran successful.

    So if you are calling a powershell script with version 2.0 hard coded and are getting some odd errors you should remove that line.