This is what I want
Here is my code following Clemens post
sample1$sentence %<>%
stringr::str_replace_all(c('red' = '<span style="background- color:blue">red</span>'))
sample1 %>%
Can anyone please help? Thanks.
The packages used:
The sample data:
sample1 <- data.frame(words = c("interested", "red", "black"),
sentence = c("I am very interested in this topic",
"Multiple color: red, blue, black",
"multiple color: red, blue, black"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Create a list to store words and the colour you want to apply to them:
word_colour <- list(interested = "red",
red = "blue",
black = "purple")
The function below uses the word_colour
, looks for the word in the sentence and adds a span
around it with inline CSS
that changes the font colour.
replace_word <- function(word_colour, df) {
word <- df$words
sentence <- df$sentence
stringr::str_replace(string = sentence,
pattern = word,
replacement = paste0('<span style="color:',
You can then chain it all together. Important note: rowwise
allows you to go through the data row by row. do()
is used as a general purpose manipulation function.
sample1 %>%
rowwise %>%
df = as_data_frame(.)
df$sentence = replace_word(word_colour, df)
}) %>%
tableHTML(rownames = FALSE,
escape = FALSE)
The result is: