Search code examples

Calculated measure per common dimension member

Given the following tables:

CREATE TABLE [Dimensie].[Cao]
    [Cao key] INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
    [Cao business key] NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [PK Cao] PRIMARY KEY ([Cao key]),
    CONSTRAINT [UC Cao business key] UNIQUE ([Cao business key])

CREATE TABLE [Dimensie].[Datum]
    [Datum key] INT NOT NULL,
    [Datum business key] DATETIME NOT NULL,
    [Jaar] INT NOT NULL,
    [Maand] INT NOT NULL,
    [Dag van de maand] INT NOT NULL,
    [Datum] NVARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT [PK Datum] PRIMARY KEY ([Datum key]),
    CONSTRAINT [UC Datum business key] UNIQUE ([Datum business key])

CREATE TABLE [Personeel].[Contractuele uren]
    [Datum key] INT NOT NULL,
    [Cao key] INT NOT NULL,
    [Contractuele uren] NUMERIC(15,6) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [FK Contractuele uren Datum] FOREIGN KEY ([Datum key]) REFERENCES [Dimensie].[Datum] ([Datum key]),
    CONSTRAINT [FK Contractuele uren Cao] FOREIGN KEY ([Cao key]) REFERENCES [Dimensie].[Cao] ([Cao key]),
    CONSTRAINT [UC Contractuele uren] UNIQUE ([Datum key], [Cao key])

CREATE TABLE [Personeel].[Werklast uren]
    [Datum key] INT NOT NULL,
    [Cao key] INT NOT NULL,
    [Werklast uren] NUMERIC(15,6) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [FK Werklast uren Datum] FOREIGN KEY ([Datum key]) REFERENCES [Dimensie].[Datum] ([Datum key]),
    CONSTRAINT [FK Werklast uren Cao] FOREIGN KEY ([Cao key]) REFERENCES [Dimensie].[Cao] ([Cao key])

So both tables in the Personeel schema are referencing both tables in the Dimensie schema.

I have generated a SSAS tabular project based on these tables with the following measures:

Contracturen := SUM('Contractuele uren'[Contractuele uren])
Uren/FTE     := SUM('Werklast uren'[Werklast uren])
Contract FTE := 'Contractuele uren'[Contracturen]/'Werklast uren'[Uren/FTE]

This gives me the following result ([Dimensie].[Datum].[Maand] on rows, [Dimensie].[Cao].[Cao business key] on columns):

enter image description here

Which is fine per month. However, the grandtotal is a division of both sums, while I'd like it to be the sum of the subtotals of member 36 and 45.

How can I change the definition of my measure Contract FTE to achieve this?


  • Use an iterator to perform the division at the individual members, before summing up:

    Contract FTE := 
            VALUES('Cao'[Cao business key]); 
            DIVIDE('Contractuele uren'[Contracturen]; 'Werklast uren'[Uren/FTE])