i am running coreNLPDependencyParser for a sentence
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
and i am getting output in this way
The DT 4 det
quick JJ 4 amod
brown JJ 4 amod
fox NN 5 nsubj
jumps VBZ 0 ROOT
over IN 9 case
the DT 9 det
lazy JJ 9 amod
dog NN 5 nmod
. . 5 punct
i ran the same input in stanfordDependencyParser and the output is same with different representation
My question is if you see the third column it is giving some score sort of thing, i assumed it to be depth in the tree but its not correct
it is not mentioned anywhere what exactly the score is .
you can see tree here
please enlighten me on output representation?
Each value in the third column is a directed edge in the dependency tree. For example:
The value 0 is reserved for the root of the tree, usually the main verb of the sentence.