I have a table with antiviral activities for compounds in different cell lines infected with different viruses, like this:
ID Batch_ID Cell_Line Virus Conc Effect
1 abc123 U87 ZIKV 5 67
2 abc123 SW13 HAZV 10 35
3 def456 U87 ZIKV 5 85
4 def456 SW13 HAZV 10 15
I would like to convert this to a View that looks like this:
ID Batch_ID U87_ZIKV_5 SW13_HAZV_10
1 abc123 67 35
2 def456 85 15
So basically a pivot that generates new columns and corresponding names by dynamically concatenating the original row values for Cell_Line, Virus and Conc, and then report the Effect for each compound. For a limited number of combinations this could of course be 'hard-coded' but I want to allow for the possibility of additional cell lines, virus strains and concentrations to be added later on, and hence for the pivoted column names to be generated dynamically.
Grateful for any pointers on how to code this efficiently in mySQL!
So, a hard-coded solution for your table is pretty simple:
select Batch_ID,
SUM(CASE WHEN CONCAT(Cell_Line,'_',Virus,'_',CONVERT(Conc,CHAR))= 'U87_ZIKV_5' THEN Effect END) U87_ZIKV_5,
SUM(CASE WHEN CONCAT(Cell_Line,'_',Virus,'_',CONVERT(Conc,CHAR)) = 'SW13_HAZV_10' THEN Effect END) SW13_HAZV_10
from viruses
group by Batch_ID;
But if you want to make it flexible, you should use the thing called Dynamic pivot tables. I used the approach discussed here and came up with this MySQL code that should solve your problem:
SET @sql = NULL;
'SUM(CASE WHEN CONCAT(Cell_Line,\'_\',Virus,\'_\',CONVERT(Conc,CHAR)) = ''',
''' THEN Effect END) AS ',
) INTO @sql
from viruses;
SET @sql = CONCAT('SELECT Batch_ID, ', @sql, ' from viruses
group by Batch_ID');
PREPARE stmt FROM @sql;