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regex to do multi line search in eclipse

I need a regular expression to match only the comment before the line containing "private final VARIABLE".


*  okay2.
private final VARIABLE;

OUTPUT should be :

*  okay2.
private final VARIABLE;

The strings okay1 and okay2 could be anything. They represent comments here. I tried doing this which does not work.


This matches the first comment as well (okay1) which I dont want. I am familiar with regex but this is something not straightforward. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.


  • You may use a regex like


    See the online demo


    • /\*+ - match the comment start, /* and any 0+ asterisks after it
    • [^*]*\*+ - match 0+ characters other than * followed with 1+ literal *
    • (?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)* - 0+ sequences of:
      • [^/*][^*]*\*+ - not a / or * (matched with [^/*]) followed with 0+ non-asterisk characters ([^*]*) followed with 1+ asterisks (\*+)
    • / - closing /
    • \s* - 0+ whitespaces
    • (private\s+final\s+VARIABLE;) - Group 1: private, 1+ whitespaces, final, 1+ whitespaces, VARIABLE;.