I have a userform that enters data into another userform, with data being entered on a new line for each submission. I am running into a problem where the 1st entered data skips a line on my userform. How can I adjust my code to avoid having the extra white line in the beginning, here is my code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
opsvision.opsfinding.Value = opsvision.opsfinding.Value & vbNewLine & "Employees" & "---" & generalbuilder.employees.Value & " -" & Space(2) & Space(1) & """" & Me.findings.Value & """" & Space(5) & "----" & Space(3) & "Finding Conducted by: " & Worksheets("userform").Range("B3") & vbNewLine
Unload Me
End Sub
The red line shows the extra white space at the top of the text box
Test to see if it's empty first. Otherwise you concatenate a vbNewLine
to the empty starting value:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim line As String
line = "Employees" & "---" & generalbuilder.employees.Value & " -" & Space(2) & _
Space(1) & """" & Me.findings.Value & """" & Space(5) & "----" & Space(3) & _
"Finding Conducted by: " & Worksheets("userform").Range("B3") & vbNewLine
If opsvision.opsfinding.Value = vbNullString Then
opsvision.opsfinding.Value = line
opsvision.opsfinding.Value = opsvision.opsfinding.Value & vbNewLine & line
End If
Unload Me
End Sub