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c# Point Cloud to Mesh

Is it possible to reconstruct a 2.5D surface from X,Y,Z points (unstructured point cloud) to triangle mesh? Is there a library available that can do this for me that I can use with C#? I can't find anything open source out of the box that has this built in function.

First option: Here's the scenario. I have a CNC that I can capture position data with. I'll be scanning from a specific axis and taking measurements at specific intervals. So for instance, I move across the X axis and get a measurement every 0.5 mm. I'll have the X, Y and Z point every 0.5 mm. After I complete my X axis scan, I'll move Y by 0.05 mm and then scan across the X axis again. It seems turning this into a mesh should be pretty straight forward. A single point will always intersect with 8 triangles, except on edges which would be 4 and the connected points will be known. All X/Y's would align each 0.5 mm.

Preferred option: Would require a density estimation algorithm probably and as far as I can tell not possible without something like MatLab which I don't want to have to use.

It would be better if I didn't have to take a measurement at consistent X axis intervals. The laser displacement sensor and associated equipment will allow me to capture point data at 50hz. I would rather take as many measurements as possible in that time period as I scan across X but its highly likely the X at the previous Y position will not align.

In the above option I could still align the X and Y coordinates by creating a normalization algorithm.

I can code just about anything in C#, but I know little about 3D terminology. So I apologize in advance if I'm using the wrong wording to describe what I'm trying to accomplish.

I know something like this would be extremely useful to hobby CNC users. Once I create the mesh I can save the result to an STL, I have that part figured out.


  • Assuming you've captured the following points with X,Y,Z:

     0  1  2  3
     4  5  6  7
     8  9 10 11
    12 13 14 15

    where you you have a vertex array, and each of the numbers above are an index into that array, generate an index array (each value is an index into the vertex array, identifying the vertex - point captured from your CNC probe - in your mesh)

    // first row of quads - values are indices into the vertex array
    // second row...    
    // etc. ..

    Identifiying the pattern here, we could say: (Apologies for the formatting, and note that is is pseudocode. I wrote this on my phone, probably tons of errors.)

    int cols = 4; // number of points in X
    int rows = 4; // number of points in Y
    std::vector<int> ti // triangle indices;
    // speed things up a bit...
    ti.reserve((cols + 1) * (rows + 1));
    for(int j = 0; j < rows-1; ++j)
    for(int i = 0; i < cols-1; ++i)
    | / |
    |/  |
    int o = j * cols + i;
    int i0 = o;   // nw corner of local quad
    int i1 = i0 + 1; // ne corner of local quad
    int i2 = i0 + cols; // sw corner of local quad
    int i3 = i2 + 1; // se corner of local quad
    // upper-left triangle in this quad
    // lower-right triangle in this quad

    Now, each triplet in ti indicates the indices of of a single triangle. For instance, the first part of ti will be

    [0,1,4, 1,5,4, 1,2,5, 2,6,5...] etc.

    Alternatively, google "height map mesh generate from grid".

    This assumes that your probe data is arranged in the pattern indicated by the "matrix" at the start of this post - ie, after probing along x, you rapid back to the other side, move to the next X, then probe again, so you get a raster pattern.

    I did something similar for my DIY CNC router a few years ago. It's pretty straightforward. There may be software that does this already - I'd be surprised if not - but the algorithm is pretty basic. I'm a graphics coder so I just built my own. (Which I can't share. )

    This approach does not require that the samples are at precisely regular intervals, but you'll get a better result (better approximation of the sampled object) if they are close to regular.