I have the following: STM32F407G-DISC1. My goal is to communicate (sending strings back and forth) between my pc and the mcu over serial and I currently am able to do so using the micro-usb (otg) port, while powering separately using the mini-usb st-link port (so using two cables).
Is it possible to use the mini-usb port for serial communications? (eliminating one of the cables)
I have read the user manual and my interpretation is that this is not possible without physical modifications. But I am a beginner and would like to verify I am correct in this interpretation. I have researched thoroughly however most sources seem to not refer to this specific board and it is my understanding with the newer version of st-link it uses this should be achievable.
It is possible - just send the messages via the USART2
You need to solder those two wires as they screw up the design.