I am trying to do an lmplot but I want for the markers to differ between them only in format, not colour. I want them all to be black. I also tried to use a grey-scale palette such as 'Greys' or 'binary', but then some markers get very light, if there is a way of making them more apparent I'd also take it! I am using lmplot with fit_reg=False just because I'd like to use hue and as far as I know scatter does not have that function. The code I am using is:
And this is the resulting figure (ignore the black background):
The color is determined through the palette
keyword. You may use a "palette" of only one color.
sns.lmplot(data=data,x='Day', y='Temperature', hue='Site',
palette=["black"], markers=['o','+','x','s','p'])