I am trying to program an app in filemaker that uses data from an API service. The problem is that when I test an url using postman it returns the JSON file I want without problems, but when i use the insert from url command from Filemaker, the result is a 405 method not allowed error.
As additional information: I'm trying to get a JSON object from the API to a text field inside my Filemaker database, using a script to fill it up.
Here's the script I have in filemaker:
Insert from URL[Select; With Dialog: Off; Projects::JSONdata;
Curl Options:"-X GET" &
"-H 'Authorization: Basic
************'" &
"-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'"]
OBSERVATIONS: I've replaced the sensible data (such as the encrypted simple authentication login) with '*'.
Try this
Insert from URL[Select; With Dialog: Off; Projects::JSONdata;
cURL options:
"-X GET" & "--header \"Authorization: Basic *******\"" & "--header \"Cache-Control: no-cache\""]
Reference : https://fmhelp.filemaker.com/help/16/fmp/en/index.html#page/FMP_Help/insert-from-url.html