Search code examples

MongoError:"geoNear command failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: \"error processing query","code":16604,"codeName":"Location16604"

I am frustrated about mongodb geonear aggregate query, for each response i get error like this :

{"name":"MongoError","message":"geoNear command failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: \"error processing query: ns=Lab.assoprofiles limit=100Tree: GEONEAR  field=loc maxdist=50000 isNearSphere=1\nSort: {}\nProj: { $pt: { $meta: \"geoNearPoin...\", code: 2, codeName: \"BadValue\" }","ok":0,"errmsg":"geoNear command failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: \"error processing query: ns=Lab.assoprofiles limit=100Tree: GEONEAR  field=loc maxdist=50000 isNearSphere=1\nSort: {}\nProj: { $pt: { $meta: \"geoNearPoin...\", code: 2, codeName: \"BadValue\" }","code":16604,"codeName":"Location16604"}

This how i designed the collection :

const mongoose = require("mongoose");
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;

var AssoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
   userId:{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User"},
   picture : String,
   telephone: {
      type: String,
      unique: false
   loc: {
      type: [Number], // [<longitude>, <latitude>]
      index: "2d" // create the geospatial index

},{timestamps: true})

var Asso = mongoose.model('AssoProfile', AssoSchema);
module.exports = Asso;

And query is like this :

const latitude = parseFloat(req.body.latitude);
const longitude = parseFloat(req.body.longitude);
        $geoNear: {
           near: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [latitude, longitude] },
           spherical: true, distanceField: 'distance', maxDistance:7000,

   ], function(err, l ){

I don't understand why such simple query throws this error. Thanks for your helps.


  • I have run same code you have posted above but It didn't work for me... And I think index: 2d is not an option in mongoose model. And instead I have created index like this and worked for me.

    const mongoose = require("mongoose")
    var Schema = mongoose.Schema
    var AssoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
       userId: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User" },
       picture : String,
       telephone: {
          type: String,
          unique: false
       loc: Array,
    }, { timestamps: true })
    AssoSchema.index({ 'loc': '2dsphere' })
    var Asso = mongoose.model('AssoProfile', AssoSchema)
    module.exports = Asso;