For stupid timing reasons, I need a gif that has delay 6. Alas, my material is delay 20.
What I effectively need is to drop delay to 6, and at the same time multiply every frame three or four times. I don't mind the timing being a little off.
This seems like a simple enough problem, but utterly ungoogelable.
You can do it like this:
# Split animation into constituent frames, saving as "frame-nnn.gif"
convert animated.gif -coalesce frame-%03d.gif
# Make array of all framenames
frames=( frame-*gif )
# Triplicate array elements
for ((i=0;i<${#frames[@]};i++)); do newframes+="${frames[i]} ${frames[i]} ${frames[i]} "; done
# DEBUG echo ${newframes[@]}
# Rebuild animation with new speed
convert -delay 10 ${newframes[@]} new.gif
# Clean up
rm frame-*.gif 2> /dev/null
My script assumes your original is called animated.gif
and the result will be called new.gif
. Obviously you can change the delays and number of duplicates as you wish, the values I have chosen are illustrative.