I need to write a HTML script which extracts data from a json api and displays it in a table format.
The URL is https://rtl2.ods-live.co.uk/api/scheduledJourneys?key=sQ3o5bYbz1&service=&date=2018-08-07&location=039026170002 and I need to pull out the LineRef and ScheduledArrivalTime data.
At the moment, I have manually copied and pasted the data from the URL into an object within the script tag and extracted the data like this but is there anyway I can parse the data straight from the URL itself?
var myObj, i, x = "";
myObj = {
"data": [{
"Site": "RTL",
"Operator": "RGB",
"LineRef": "53a",
"DepotCode": "RGB",
"LocationCode": "039026170002",
"LocationName": "300 Longwater Ave",
"ScheduledStartTime": "2018-08-07 05:12:00",
"LiveJourneyId": "0",
"Sequence": "10",
"RunningBoard": "50A",
"Duty": "1601",
"Direction": "Outbound",
"JourneyCode": "1",
"VehicleCode": "",
"DriverCode": "",
"TimingPoint": "TimingPoint",
"JourneyPattern": "JP649",
"ArrivalStatus": "",
"DepartureStatus": "",
"ScheduledArrivalTime": "2018-08-07 05:29:00"
}, {
"Site": "RTL",
"Operator": "RGB",
"LineRef": "53",
"DepotCode": "RGB",
"LocationCode": "039026170002",
"LocationName": "300 Longwater Ave",
"ScheduledStartTime": "2018-08-07 05:35:00",
"LiveJourneyId": "0",
"Sequence": "6",
"RunningBoard": "50B",
"Duty": "1602",
"Direction": "Outbound",
"JourneyCode": "3",
"VehicleCode": "",
"DriverCode": "",
"TimingPoint": "TimingPoint",
"JourneyPattern": "JP625",
"ArrivalStatus": "",
"DepartureStatus": "",
"ScheduledArrivalTime": "2018-08-07 05:49:00"
}, {
"Site": "RTL",
"Operator": "RGB",
"LineRef": "53a",
"DepotCode": "RGB",
"LocationCode": "039026170002",
"LocationName": "300 Longwater Ave",
"ScheduledStartTime": "2018-08-07 05:55:00",
"LiveJourneyId": "0",
"Sequence": "10",
"RunningBoard": "50A",
"Duty": "1601",
"Direction": "Outbound",
"JourneyCode": "7",
"VehicleCode": "",
"DriverCode": "",
"TimingPoint": "TimingPoint",
"JourneyPattern": "JP649",
"ArrivalStatus": "",
"DepartureStatus": "",
"ScheduledArrivalTime": "2018-08-07 06:13:00"
}, {
"Site": "RTL",
"Operator": "RGB",
"LineRef": "52a",
"DepotCode": "RGB",
"LocationCode": "039026170002",
"LocationName": "300 Longwater Ave",
"ScheduledStartTime": "2018-08-07 05:57:00",
"LiveJourneyId": "0",
"Sequence": "2",
"RunningBoard": "50B",
"Duty": "1602",
"Direction": "Inbound",
"JourneyCode": "2",
"VehicleCode": "",
"DriverCode": "",
"TimingPoint": "TimingPoint",
"JourneyPattern": "JP606",
"ArrivalStatus": "",
"DepartureStatus": "",
"ScheduledArrivalTime": "2018-08-07 06:00:00"
x += "<table border='1'>"
for (i in myObj.data) {
x += "<tr><td>" + myObj.data[i].LineRef + "</td>" + "<td>" + myObj.data[i].ScheduledArrivalTime[11] + myObj.data[i].ScheduledArrivalTime[12] + myObj.data[i].ScheduledArrivalTime[13] + myObj.data[i].ScheduledArrivalTime[14] + myObj.data[i].ScheduledArrivalTime[15] + "</td></tr>";
x += "</table>"
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
<p id="demo"></p>
I've tried looking into methods like getJSON and fetch() but I am relatively new to JS so I couldn't understand how to apply them to my script. Any comments in the script would also be useful for me
This WOULD have worked if CORS was enabled on their servers. It isn't so you will have to add a proxy, e.g. change
and have yourproxy.php fetch the passed url
This code will give
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
$.getJSON("https://rtl2.ods-live.co.uk/api/scheduledJourneys?key=sQ3o5bYbz1&service=&date=2018-08-07&location=039026170002.json", function(myObj) {
var x = "<table border='1'>"
for (var o in myObj.data) {
x += "<tr><td>" + myObj.data[i].LineRef + "</td>" + "<td>" + myObj.data[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[11] + myObj.data[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[12] + myObj.data[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[13] + myObj.data[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[14] + myObj.data[o].ScheduledArrivalTime[15] + "</td></tr>";
x += "</table>"
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<p id="demo"></p>