I use ngrx and i have a store that has a list of academies ['academy1', 'academy2']
I populate the store with a resolver.
Now I need to
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state_: RouterStateSnapshot): any {
return this.store.pipe(select(state => state.user)).subscribe((user) => {
return user.academies.includes(route.params.domain);
But as I know... guards running before resolvers. So.... how can I check permissions with guards and ngrx?
On the first request, this can never work. You need to have a route which will populate the store before this guard would work if you are populating in a resolver.
If this data is required to work out if you can activate any route, then you need to populate the store on (for example) the result of a login action, before you attempt to navigate. Alternatively, have a default route which does not have this guard but populates the store, then navigate (if you do not have a login action).