I have two interfaces Controllerable
and Interactorable
which should work together to achieve something. Following are the protocols:
protocol Controllerable {
associatedtype Job: Decodable
func getJob() -> Job
func control(job: Job)
protocol Interactorable {
associatedtype Job: Decodable
func interact() -> Job
Here are the concrete types which conform to above protocols:
One thing to note here, Controller
has an Interactor
dependency to make things work.
struct ActualJob: Decodable {
var id: String
class Controller<I: Interactorable>: Controllerable {
typealias Job = ActualJob
private var interactor: I
init(interactor: I) {
self.interactor = interactor
// MARK: Controllerable
func control(job: ActualJob) {
print("Controlling job: \(job.id)")
func getJob() -> ActualJob {
return interactor.interact() //***** Line of contention ****
class Interactor: Interactorable {
typealias Job = ActualJob
// MARK: Interactorable
func interact() -> Job {
return ActualJob(id: "xyz")
Now, let's say there's a driver entity which drives the integration.
struct Someguy<C: Controllerable> {
private var controller: C
init(controller: C) {
self.controller = controller
func doSomething() {
let job = controller.getJob()
controller.control(job: job)
If you put all of this in the playground, you'd the see the following in the console:
playground:30:27: error: cannot convert return expression of type 'I.Job' to return type 'ActualJob'
return interactor.interact()
as! ActualJob
So, the question is, why, if Interactable.Job
and Controllerable.Job
conform to the same types, should one get the above error?
EDIT If I change the line of contention to
return interactor.interact() as! ActualJob
The error goes away, but why should this be needed? Does it not defeat the purpose of protocols?
Just add a constraint:
class Controller<I: Interactorable>: Controllerable where I.Job == ActualJob {
Without the constraint, I.Job
can be anything, can't it? It could be SomeOtherJob
, which is not convertible to ActualJob