I have few jmeter scripts with me in my local. I have to keep them in my main Project in git so that I can integrate it to Jenkins. Wanted to know how should be the project structure in Git. So is it like:
Main Project Folder
TestPlan 1
TestPlan 2
Module 2
TestPlan1, TestPlan2 etc are the .jmx files which are the test scripts having multiple test cases?
Also, when we execute them through Jenkins, then we configure the main Project folder in Jenkins, will it pick all the scripts under it for execution?
Jenkins doesn't do any magic, it basically checks out configured Git repository and executes build steps (most likely you will run JMeter using command-line non-GUI mode)
So given the same command you use to run your JMeter test locally works - it should work in Jenkins as well. Just remember not to use full paths to modules, CSV files, etc.