Let me tell you the points.
for users
table and admin
guard for admins
table there are users with multiple permissions (roles too).The permission
middelware has the code
if (!Auth::guard('admin
')->user()->can(explode('|', $permissions)))
In my Admin
model, I have used use EntrustUserTrait;
Middelware permission
is working fine on routes.php
the only problem I am facing is if any Admin User
does not have permission suppose can-create
then the html written in the that block should be hidden in blade file.
Lorem Ipsum...
the above blade directives are not highlighted as @if or @foreach etc.
I think there might be something due multi-auth I am using, since Entrust takes users
table by default.
Kindly enlighten me, considering this situation.
Yes I got the solution to this issue. Please go through the steps I have used.
php artisan make:provider EntrustCustomServiceProvider
Use Auth;
and Write in the boot
public function boot() {
\Blade::directive('permission', function($expression) {
return "<?php if (Auth::guard('admin')->user()->can({$expression})) : ?>";
\Blade::directive('endpermission', function($expression) {
return "<?php endif; ?>";
Add this entry in providers array in config/app.php
: App\Providers\EntrustCustomServiceProvider::class,
One more thing, many of the phpstorm users may wonder why these directives are not auto-populated in the editor then please note, whenever we add custom blade directives, we need to add these in the blade plugin of the phpstorm editor. Here is the solution:
Default Settings
, go to Directives
without using @, check has parameter
<?php if (Auth::guard('admin')->user()->can(
in prefix and )):?>
in suffix@endpermission
without adding any parameters.I hope this is helpful for someone like me :)