I am trying to find the frequency in hertz for every bin in the fft spectrum. Below is my code just adding the fft spectrum values inside a float list.
for (int len = 0; len < nyquistLength; ++len)
for (int channel = 0; channel < numChannels; ++channel)
channs += dspFFT.spectrum[channel][len];
if (channel == numChannels - 1)
channs = 0;
How can I use this information to obtain the Hz of each entry in the spectrum? Thanks.
A N-point FFT of a signal with a sample rate of 44100 produces frequency bins with center frequencies spaced 44100/N apart from 0 Hz to 44100 Hz. From 0 to the Nyquist frequency of 22050 Hz, there are N/2+1 points inclusive. So if you want the center frequencies then compute i*44100/N where i=0,1,...,N/2.