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How to retrieve the created vertices of cmds.polyExtrude on Maya

I'm writing a script to change the position of the vertices created by an extrude command given a specific vector. But I can't find a way to get the newly generated vertices/faces/edges.

I tried looking in cmds.getAttr('polyExtrudeFace1') or the query mode of cmds.polyExtrudeFacet, but I can't find the right attribute/flag to get what I need.


  • When applying cmds.polyExtrudeFacet onto a mesh, Maya will automatically select the new faces. Knowing this, it's easy to convert the face components to the new vertexes:

    cmds.polySphere(name="pSphere1") # Create a sphere to test with.
    cmds.polyExtrudeFacet("pSphere1.f[10]") # Extrude a random face.
    sel = cmds.polyListComponentConversion("*.f[*]", sl=True), fromFace=True, toVertex=True) # Convert faces to verts. Filter `ls` to only get face selections. # Select the newly created vertexes.