issue : ( CB Lite 2.0 , Swift)
Registration screen which has name, email and dob and want to save in couchbase lite. everytime user-filled form with these fields I want to store in local CB Lite DB After that i want to fetch all record store in the cb lite. Issue is :
Created a document
stored name , emal and dob in swift dictionary and tried to save and it stores but everytime i fetch it shows only one , not other user information.
Kinldy help me on this.
Raised Query on Couchbase Forum :
This is the way i called by taking one sample notification and checked its working :
let dict = [
"alert": "push notification.. (5)",
"badge": 1,
"sound": "default"
] as [String : Any]
var notificationArray = [Dictionary<String,Any>]()
let notiDict = CouchDBHelper.fetchDocumentByDocId(documentID: Constants.notificationDocument)
if let notiArray = notiDict["notification"] as? [Dictionary<String,Any>] {
notificationArray = notiArray
CCouchDBHelper.insertNotificationData(data: notificationArray, doc_id: Constants.notificationDocument)
objNotifcationSource = notificationArray
public func insertNotificationData(data:Any?,doc_id:String)
//let sharedInstance = CouchbaseAdapter.sharedInstance
let doc = MutableDocument(id: doc_id)
doc.setValue(data, forKey: "notification")
do {
try database.saveDocument(doc)
//try sharedInstance.database.saveDocument(doc)
print("Inserted Record :", data as! NSArray)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Error in saving",error)
fetchDocumentByDocId(documentID: doc_id)