can you help here guys please
so i'm trying to display the data i got from the backend but seems like *ngFor not working and want to return only enabled sizes how to do it with ngIf
this is the template
<select name="sizeAndPrice" class="form-control">
<option [value]="size.value" *ngFor="let size of item.field_prices.set_details">
<span>{{(item.commerce_price.amount/100) + size.field_product_size[0].options[0].price}} </span>
<span>{{(item.commerce_price.amount/100) + sizefield_product_size[0].options[0].price}} EGP</span>
this is the data i get (the part i'm looping on)
commerce_price : {amount:12000},
field_prices : {
set_details : {
field_product_size : [
enabled : 0,
options : [
enabled : 1,
price_op : "plus",
price : 0
enabled : 1,
options : [
enabled : 1,
price_op : "plus",
price : 30
field_sizes_discounts : [
enabled : 1,
options : [
enabled : 1,
price_op : "minus",
price : "0"
enabled : 1,
options : [
enabled : 1,
price_op : "minus",
price : "15"
so i need to display prices of each size and then subtract the discount and show hide that size if not enabled
You are using *ngFor and *ngIf on same element which is not allowed.
Solution is to wrap span content with <ng-container>
<select name="sizeAndPrice" class="form-control">
<option [value]="size.value" *ngFor="let size of item.field_prices.set_details.field_product_size" ">
<ng-container `*ngIf="item.field_prices.set_details.field_product_size.enabled; else notEnabled"`>
<span>{{(item.commerce_price.amount/100) + size.options[0].price}} </span>
<span>{{(item.commerce_price.amount/100) + size.options[0].price}} EGP</span>
<ng-template #notEnabled><option></option> </ng-template>