I facing with problem while try to filter ArrayList
of String
as Observable
All works fine if:
MatrixCursor suggestionsCursor =
new MatrixCursor(new String[]{BaseColumns._ID, COLUMN_FIELD_NO});
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
if (data.get(i) != null)
if (data.get(i).toLowerCase().contains(newText.toLowerCase()))
int key = 0;
for (String suggestion : filtered) {
suggestionsCursor.addRow(new Object[]{key++, suggestion});
But not if
MatrixCursor suggestionsCursor =
new MatrixCursor(new String[]{BaseColumns._ID, COLUMN_FIELD_NO});
.filter(it->it!=null && it.toLowerCase().contains(newText.toLowerCase()))
.subscribe(strings -> {
int key = 0;
for (String suggestion : strings) {
suggestionsCursor.addRow(new Object[]{key++, suggestion});
Because I get an error
io.reactivex.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: The iterator returned a null value
Where am I wrong here?
Both answears are good, but I found easier solution.
After populate data with Strings